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January 2007

I am occasionally chided by readers that I link to material that is "old" and "not fresh". So I present this next link with a warning: the "Bitter Investment Banker Email" is not new; it is 2.5 years old and you may have seen it before.

But if you haven't, and if you can tolerate looking at "not fresh" things, and if you want a quick look at the life of an irritated, sleep-deprived young I-banker, I recommend it.

This sounds about right:

So not only is John Kerry a hypocrite, he's also an ignoramus

So does this:

There are many reasons people think Mrs Clinton will not be elected president. She lacks warmth; she is too polarising a figure; the American people don’t want to relive the psychodrama of the eight years of the Clinton presidency.

But they all miss this essential counterpoint. As you consider her career this past 15 years or so in the public spotlight, it is impossible not to be struck, and even impressed, by the sheer ruthless, unapologetic, unshameable way in which she has pursued this ambition, and confirmed that there is literally nothing she will not do, say, think or feel to achieve it. Here, finally, is someone who has taken the black arts of the politician’s trade, the dissembling, the trimming, the pandering, all the way to their logical conclusion. 

Kling vs. Krugman

Arnold Kling takes Paul Krugman down a peg.

I note only that it is one of those it-would-be-funny-if-it-weren't-so-sad phenomena that so many of today's Liberals are now ascribing a kind of Golden Age to America of the late 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s. Incomes were growing! There was relatively little economic inequality! Unions and government helped and protected the working man! The whole world loved and respected America! Children played and adults danced!

Then Reagan was somehow elected and America ran right off a cliff.

But I was alive for most of the "Golden Age" and all I can remember Liberals talking about back then was how much America stunk and how truly, terribly unhappy they were. About almost everything.

One might hypothesize that they'll never be happy. Too bad for them.

Argument that bankruptcy reform has been a success

Hedge Fund Guy argues that the 2005 bankruptcy reform legislation has been a success.

It seems all that happened was fewer people Welshed their debts. The bottom line is that most of those prevented from declaring bankruptcy by the new law weren't sympathetic, they were simple scofflaws, and are better off for having to pay their debts like responsible adults.