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March 2008

Comparative advantage, as newly applied in universities

"This amounts to a sizeable paradigm shift from the idea of a faculty member who balances teaching, research, and departmental service, to a model based on employees who are specialists. By increasing the specialization and division of labor among the faculty, universities are transforming how the institution functions. Highly trained specialists now exist on two tracks. The research track offers the possibility of tenure while the teaching side has a growing pool of lecturers carving out rewarding positions that focus on instruction. The two models complement each other and allow faculty members to focus on their comparative advantage, either in the classroom or in research."

Link via George Leef on NRO.

UPDATE: link to article is fixed now.

Hydration backpack

When my kids were young and I wanted to give them a key phrase summarizing my life's wisdom, I told them to "have patience and persistence". That seemed to work well, but as they got older, I felt that I needed a new phrase.

Trouble was, I didn't have one. So I opted for the semi-self-mocking, "stay hydrated". This product at Wal-Mart can help.