"Fascinating paper on where 6000 global elites went to college."
February 04, 2025
An "X" (formerly Twitter) thread.
"In a word: Harvard."
Come back in 30 or 40 years and see if still holds.
"CSU, reeling from budget cuts to classes and faculty, decry more proposed state reductions"
February 03, 2025
Supposedly CSU (the Cal State University system) is not being picked on: Governor Newsom's proposed 2025-26 budget has a 7.95% cut in funding across the entire budget.
Well, it's a start.
"How college AP and IB policies make it harder to graduate early"
January 30, 2025
"The data reveals that many institutions of higher education are purposefully limiting the use of AP and IB credit towards a degree (or banning it for credit completely). This results in students (on average) having to pay more in tuition and fees."
"Wake County teen graduates from NC State in one year, advocates for dual enrollment benefits"
January 27, 2025
Long time readers might recall I've long advocated for taking a year out of high school and/or college for many students at least. Wake County's "dual enrollment" program seems to accomplish much of what I want.
Some details on the program.
"The Re-Skilling of America"
January 22, 2025
I think I can get behind this: "Instead of subsidizing America’s greedy and unequal diploma mills, how about dropping degree requirements and rewarding skills?"
"No, You Don’t Get an A for Effort"
January 15, 2025
"High marks are for excellence, not grit."
Or as I used to tell my students: the world tends strongly to reward results not effort. (At least private, profit-seeking employers do.)
"How the rise of woke ‘educrats’ is destroying higher education"
January 14, 2025
The growth of administrators in higher education truly is something to behold.
"The Teachers' Unions Are Losing"
January 14, 2025
There's a long way to go, but John Hinderaker argues a good start has been made.
January 02, 2025
For a long time, I've not understood the purpose of short campus visits by high school seniors to help them choose which college to go to. What do they expect to find out that they can't find out, much more cheaply, elsewhere? And that's especially true in our age of the Net. CampusReel provides videos of attendees discussing various aspects of the college they go to. Here's the page for my alma mater, George Washington Univ.